A remarkable accomplishment

A remarkable accomplishment. Combining doctrine and theory, and informing both with comparative insight, it stands in the first rank of constitutional treatises worldwide. No one who wishes to understand South African constitutionalism can do without it.
Sujit Choudhry
Professor of Law, University of California, Berkeley

An indispensable companion to text

An indispensable companion to text, history, theory and judicial interpretation of the constitution of South Africa. In remarkable depth and detail, the book explains how the workings of this modern constitution reflect the lessons learned during two centuries of global experimentation with constitutional democracy as well as the unique history of South Africa.
Michael C. Dorf
Professor of Law, Cornell University School of Law

Constitutional Law of South Africa is an invaluable reference

Constitutional Law of South Africa is an invaluable reference work on the law and practice of this distinctive and important constitutional system. Comprehensive, current and reliable, it is an asset to scholars around the world with an interest in South African constitutional law.
Cheryl Saunders
Professor of Law, University of Melbourne

Constitutional Law of South Africa remains the most comprehensive

Constitutional Law of South Africa remains the most comprehensive and useful commentary on the South African Constitution. It is simply indispensable for any legal practitioner, every legal academic and every court, and also for everyone whose work in some way involves interpretation and application of the Constitution.
AJ van der Walt
Professor of Law, Stellenbosch University

Professor Stu Woolman

Stu Woolman currently holds the positions of Elizabeth Bradley Chair of Ethics, Governance and Sustainable Development and Professor of Law at the University of the Witwatersrand. He also enjoys the title of Research Fellow at the South Africa Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International Law. He is currently a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley’s Center for the Study of Law and Society. Stu is the creator, primary author and editor-in-chief of the seminal 5 volume treatise, Constitutional Law of South Africa and creator and editor-in-chief of the Constitutional Court Review. He has penned two highly praised monographs: The Selfless Constitution: Experimentalism and Flourishing as Foundations of South Africa’s Basic Law (2013) and The Constitution in the Classroom: Law and Education in South Africa, 1994 – 2008 (2009). He has published five collections as co-author and co-editor: The Business of Sustainable Development in Africa (2009)(Winner of the 2010 Hindiggh-Currie Award for Best Book); The Dignity Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of South Africa (2013); Is This Seat Taken?: Conversations at the Bar, Bench and Academy about the South African Constitution (2012) and Constitutional Conversations (2008).
Read more about Stu Woolman

In over 100 articles and book chapters, Professor Woolman has traversed such varied subject matter as institutional constitutional design, bill of rights analysis, jurisprudence, applied empirical philosophy, education policy, ethics, HIV/AIDs law, consciousness studies, social capital theory, intellectual property, development economics, psychoanalytic theory, international human rights, sexual slavery, refugee and immigration law, corporate social responsibility and alternative business models. One function of this output is that Stu has had more books, articles and chapters cited by the Constitutional Court of South Africa than any other scholar. Stu has taught at Columbia Law School, the University of Pretoria Faculty of Law, the University of the Witwatersrand Graduate School of Business Administration and the University of the Witwatersrand School of Law.

He holds degrees in philosophy – Wesleyan (BA)(Hons), Columbia (MA) — and law — Columbia (JD), Pretoria (PhD). Courses taught: Ethics, Governance & Sustainable Development; Ethics and the Law; Human Rights in the Marketplace; Constitutional Law; Jurisprudence; Institutional Constitutional Law; Bill of Rights; Media Law; Delict/Torts; Applied Business Ethics; Corporate Governance.
The quality of his work has received recognition from South Africa’s National Research Foundation as a B-Rated Internationally Acclaimed and Influential Researcher (2015), from the University of Pretoria as 2007’s Extraordinary University Researcher, and from the University of the Witwatersrand in the form of the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Best Researcher under 40 (1996).

Stu has worked for the United Nations Human Rights Committee, the United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime, the American Civil Liberties Union, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the Freedom of Expression Institute, the Anti-Privatization Movement, the Landless People’s Movement, Morningside Heights Family Legal Service, and the Goldstone Commission of Inquiry into Public Violence and Intimidation and the Centre for Human Rights.
Some of Stu’s work can be viewed online at several sites

a. www.selflessconstitution.co.za

b. www.constitutionalcourtreview.co.za

c. www.closa.co.za or www.constitutionallawofsouthafrica

d. www.stuwoolman.co.za (which contains downloads of a number of books and articles).

Professor Stuart Craig Woolman CV

Michael Bishop

Advocate Michael Bishop

Michael Bishop is in-house counsel at the Constitutional Litigation Unit of the Legal Resources Centre (LRC). He has appeared in the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court of Appeal, the High Court and the Land Claims Court on issues including customary law, education, freedom of expression, refugee rights, environmental law, land rights, gender equality, housing, administrative law and social security. He has a particular interest in issues relating to openness and accountability. Prior to joining the LRC, Michael worked in a variety of legal advisory and legal research roles including two years clerking for Chief Justice Pius Langa. Michael has also taught constitutional law and administrative law to LLM students at the University of Pretoria, the University of Cape Town and the National Law University in New Delhi.
Read more about Michael Bishop

He is currently an Honorary Research Associate at the Department of Public Law at UCT.  Michael is the Managing Editor of the leading text on South African constitutional law, Woolman’s Constitutional Law of South Africa, for which he has also authored several chapters. Together with Jason Brickhill, Khomotso Moshikaro (both editors of the CCR) and Meghan Finn he authors the constitutional law updates for Juta’s Quarterly Review and the Annual Survey of South African Law. He has written several journal articles and chapters in books on issues related to constitutional law. He recently co-edited an edition of Acta Juridica titled A Transformative Justice: Essays in Honour of Pius Langa together with Alistair Price.

Michael holds the following degrees – BA(Law) LLB LLM (Pretoria) LLM (Columbia).

Advocate Michael Bishop CV